Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Heart for the Lost

How can I say this? Where do I start? At the beginning.
My heart is breaking.
No, it's broken.
I can't handle knowing that a dear friend is going to burn in the pit of Hell for eternity. I can't just let them suffer.

Can you? How can you stay quiet? Speak up! What's the worst that can happen?

A friend of mine wanted to talk about "religion." So I opened up and shared what I believe, at the end
 he said "I'm glad you're not one of those pushy people trying to convert me!"
 To which I replied "if I do seem pushy ever, it's not because I'm trying to 'convert' you, I'm not. But you know what I believe, do you honestly think that I'm ok with you burning in Hell forever?"
 He says "haha I'll live!" 
"No, you don't get it. You won't live. I am NOT ok with that."

I'm not saying go tell everyone you meet that unless they accept the gift of salvation that they're going to burn in Hell, probably not the best way to become friends! But if you already are friends, and they know that you're telling them this because you love them, usually they'll be ok with that.

The last thing he said was "this has been a good time of bonding."

It's the way you approach it! Do you always have to know exactly what you'll say? No. Do you have to know all the answers? No. Pride comes before the fall (Proverbs 16:18). It's when we lean on God (Proverbs 3:5-6) to do the real work, that we really have any results.

Did my friend come to the Lord at the end of the conversation? No he didn't, but you know what? I'm not giving up hope! I planted a seed, now it's God's job to water it and harvest it (1 Corinthians 3:5-9)!

After you've spoken, all you can do is pray, prayer works (James 5:16, Psalm 66:20).

Love, Speak up & Pray.


Random Fact #6- During famines that ravaged North Korea from 1955 to 1997, starving people commonly dug up bodies from fresh graves to eat the meat. (Grossest thing...ever.)

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Forgiveness doesn't just happen. The bitterness and the hurt feelings don't just go away overnight.

Choose it! God already forgave them, by refusing to forgive, you're pretty much saying that your opinion and feelings are higher than God's.

And who are you really hurting with all this bitterness? The person that hurt you? Nope.

It really hit me the other day as I was listening to the radio, a Matthew West song came on called forgiveness. The lyrics went like this:

"Forgiveness; it'll clear the bitterness away,
it can even set a prisoner free,
there is no end to what its power can do.
So let it go and be amazed,
by what you see through eyes of grace.
The prisoner that it really frees is you."


I know...such a little thing, yet it made a world of difference.

So remember, by choosing to forgive, you are only doing yourself a favor. And if you reaalllyyyy can't come to forgive them, ask God to be your forgiveness. Believe me, He comes through EVERY TIME. Where we are weak He is strong, and that's a promise. :)

"The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace." 
Psalm 29:11

Go in peace and strength, with a smile on your face and forgiveness in your heart. Be a light to this world!


Random Fact #5- The first movie to gross over $100 million was Jaws.

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Leaning on Him

I was talking with a friend yesterday, who felt that her life was falling apart. She had lost everyone she loved, and she was heartbroken. She said to me "I don't understand why this is happening to me, why would God let this happen? It says in the Bible He won't give us any more than what we can handle, but it's wrong. I can't handle this anymore. I'm done."

She's right, we have way more than what we can handle. Us. You. Me. WE can't handle it!! Big newsflash there right? ;)

The good news is that WE don't have to handle it! We lean on Him, the Almighty, the Prince of Peace, our Father, lover, comforter, the Great I Am! He is strong where we are weak! If we lean on Him, and stop trying to handle it, He will pull us through!

Gorgeous picture of the Savior. I know that His love embraces me!

You could almost see the light come into her face as she realized that! She had a new hope, where there was none before. He will pull you through. Lean on Him, call His name and He will be there!


Random fact #4-  The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache. 

Comment below or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Be Still

Always going, always running, always doing. Our society today is crazy!

 I want you to stop. JUST STOP

If God had meant for us to get everything done today, he wouldn't have made a tomorrow!

You know what I did today for the first time in......forever? I stopped. I said no. 
I laid down outside. I heard the breeze rustling the leaves, the grass. I heard the birds chirping, I saw the trees waving. I felt the the earth pulsing heat into my body, warmth spreading everywhere. I relaxed. My muscles loosened up, I closed my eyes. I smelled the flowers, the grass, and the dirt. I felt the presence of Sweet Jesus.
I felt...peaceful

This is how I felt inside. Peace.

Turn off the cell phone, the computer, the gaming system, the MP3 player. Put down the book, stop folding the laundry, stop doing the dishes. Say no to your friends, even your family sometimes. Go somewhere you can't be reached. Take a walk in the park, lay in the grass. Whatever you do, listen. Listen for that still, small voice that says 

"Be still, my loved one, be still and know that I'm here to take care of things for you, I will not forsake you, I am Almighty God. Be still."


"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13


Random fact #3- Most lipsticks contain fish scales....yup.

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Monday, April 15, 2013

Book Review: Duty


Written by Rachel Rossano
Published by Rachel Rossano


Duty to King
Tomas Dyrease, the newly made Earl of Irvaine and the village of Wisenvale, owes his good fortune to his king and the recent civil war. When his benefactor demands Tomas marry the cousin of a noble, he obeys. However, no one warned him that she wasn't a typical noblewoman.

Duty to Others 
Brielle Solarius struggles to keep her village from starvation under the new Lord Wisten, her cousin. The men rode off to war and never returned. The remaining women and children face a dire winter if they do not find a solution soon. When she learns her cousin sold her into marriage to save his life, she isn't surprised. However, she is taken aback by Lord Irvaine’s unpolished ways. Was this man a noble or a foot soldier?

Duty to Each Other
Bound by the words of their vows, they face a rough future. They must forge a marriage while battling betrayal, accusations of treason, and villains from the past. Survival depends on their precarious trust in each other.  Failure could mean death.

My Review:

Okay, here goes for brutal honesty! But honestly my brutal honesty will not be that brutal, because this book was fantastic! It kept me captive from page 1, and I have a short attention span, so that is quite an accomplishment in itself! 

It has all the elements I look for in a book:
-Historically correct 
-Realistic characters
-Underlying story of faith in God
-The unexpected (I hate it when you always know what's coming.)

The only problem I had with this book was the fact that it was supposed to be fantasy, it was definitely historical! I love historical books, but if you're going for fantasy, you need to do more than give God a weird name. So just call it historical fiction! :D

Whew! Now that we have that over with, I can focus on the awesome stuff :)
I loved the characters, they were realistic and flawed! Who wants to read a book about perfect people? By the end of the book I was very attached to the characters and did not want the book to end.

Adventure and action: the plot was so much more than the romance. In fact a lot of the time the couple was separated  so you got to know them as individuals, not just as a couple.

You saw each of them grow in their walk with the Lord, and were challenged to examine your own walk. What do I fear? What am I not giving to God? Will I follow Him no matter what?

I found I could expect the unexpected (if that makes any sense...)! There were twists and turns throughout the book. You think you can sit and read just a chapter, but you'll find yourself staying up until 3am just to find out what's going to happen next! That's my kind of book :D

Overall my reaction was: WHY ISN'T THIS AUTHOR FAMOUS?! 
I will definitely be reading more by Rachel, I can already see long nights ahead of me, anxiously turning the next page!


I rate this book a 9!

Random Fact #2- Your hair still grows a few months after you die. I know, totally gross.

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fun In The Floridian Sun

To all you millions of people out there sitting in front of your computer just agonizing over when my next post will be; my most heartfelt apologies! But wow! Florida was AMAZING! :D

First off, I got to see my first real live (?...) palm tree! I had no idea there were so many types of palm trees, short ones, skinny ones, and one even looked like a pineapple!

Here's a pic of the most common tree, unfortunately I forgot to take more pictures!

I found lots of shells, shark teeth (!), a big dead fish (which of course I immediately went to digging out its teeth like any other normal person would do...), a mermaid rock (that I posed on),I also found out by experiment that you can eat the fruit off a cactus; would not recommend sticking random plants in mouth.

Yum! It tastes like pomegranate!

I got to see the ocean for the first time, and to be honest I was terrified! It was so big, and so deep, and so...salty :D 


My sisters (realizing my fears) ruthlessly flung me into the ocean. Such sweet sisters. I will have my revenge.

Through all this I must say that the most adventurous thing I did was to...wait for it...
shave my armpits in a moving vehicle.

Yes, you heard me right. I know you're super impressed, but please try not to flatter me too much! lol :D
My first adventure in Florida was in a word; stupendous!

Enough about me, tell me your adventures! I dare you to come up with something as crazy (or stupid) as my last story! 


Random Fact #1- Guys think that neck pillows (you know, the ones you use for traveling?) are sexy. Found this out at 3am in South Carolina...funny story for another time!

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lonely Valentine?

Feeling lonely on the day of love? 

I'll give you 7 reasons why being alone should make you happy!
#1-You can FINALLY give into those cravings for junk food that you've resisted for so long!

#2-Even if you have not resisted...well today is one day you don't need to feel guilty :D

#3-There is no need to share said junk food! Isn't that the best part?

#4-You can watch any movie you want tonight!

#5-It saves money, I'm all for that, even if I'm not Dutch!

#6-It's better to spend a few Valentines Day's alone then with the wrong man!

#7-Last but certainly not least: You get to spend it with the most devoted and tender man who ever lived; Jesus.

Here's some romance for you:
1 Peter 2:4 "Coming to Him as a living stone rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious!"

Psalm 139:17-18 "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, oh God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You!"

So here's what I want you to do:

          Stop feeling sorry for yourself! 
Go find some junk food! 
 Brew yourself some tea! 
                                      Open the living Bible to some of these romantic scriptures, and 
                                       Contemplate on the real meaning of romance!

Don't have any junk food? Make some, in a mug!!! Don't bother getting it out of the cup, it's more fun eating it right out of the mug!
brownies in a mug :D

With that I will say good night! Enjoy your "lonely" Valentines Day! You can bet on it I will!


Why not tell me how it went? Comment or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Friday, February 8, 2013

YOLO (the truth about it)

yoda, yolo, star wars
This made me laugh!!

Oh Dear. How many times have we heard that phrase? It is true though, we do live only once (on this earth anyway!). But should we let that little phrase be the excuse to cater to our every whim?

We have the wrong idea I think. What purpose did God create us for? To glorify Him! Not ourselves.

Instead of thinking "how can I live for myself today?", we need to be asking "what great (little) thing does God want me to accomplish today?". We need to be looking for opportunities to minister to others! We need to preach the whole gospel to every person we see, not in word but in deed! (1 John 3:18) Meaning: with the little things.

You don't have to know your theology perfectly (I certainly don't!!).You don't even have to be involved in a ministry at church! You don't need any talents. You only need the love of Jesus in you. 
Jesus by Akiane

Beautiful picture of Jesus by Akiane

I challenge you to step up and do the little things! If you work in a fast food place, ask the customer how their day went while you're waiting for the order, you'll be surprised the kinds of conversations that will start!
If you are the customer, ask your cashier how work is going! While you're walking past a neighbor, stop and have a little chat. 

If someone's having a rough time and you know it, offer to pray for them as God brings them to mind, especially if you don't know them! Be bold! Romans 8:28 "If God is with us, than who can be against us?" Don't be afraid to reach out and love someone. I promise they won't reject it (unless they think you're a creeper... ;D ), everyone craves love. And if they're grouchy, it just means they need it all the more! You could be the one that completely changes their perspective on

SMILING is a big one! A little smile will brighten anyone's day!
Pinned Image
Awwwww <3

You've probably noticed my "little" theme by now! I have a few reasons: 
-I'm a little :D  
-It's much less daunting to start with the little stuff!  
-Luke 16:10 "If you are faithful in little, I will make you faithful in much!"  
-Sometimes the littlest things can have the largest impact!  
-1 Cor. 13:1-3 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not profits me nothing."

It's never too late to start, start now! (Go wash the dishes for your mom!!! :D ) Better yet, tell me about your stories, I want to hear them, all of them! Comment or Tweet me @elisewiddis, I would LOVE to hear from you!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Life As a Blonde...

Have you ever ruined a precious slushie from Speedway because you accidently bicycled into a garage door? Of course not. This is my life. The life of a blonde.

On a hot sweaty day last summer I decided to go on a bike ride down the street to get an icy cold slushie! By the time I got to Speedway I was dripping! I walked to the machine and got what I usually did; a 44 oz. cup filled with 1/4 coke (on the bottom), and 3/4 cherry on top! 
Yummm :D

I then started the sizzling ride home, little did I know how much worse it would become...

I decided to drop by a friends house for a chat ( mistake of my life.) There was a bit of a hill down their street, so I picked up speed. The driveway was at the end of the hill...
Not quite that big, lol 

Halfway up the driveway I realized my fatal mistake: the brake on my right handle was broken, and I was holding my slushie in my left hand. No brakes. I'm heading straight for the garage door.
(Don't worry, it wasn't that pretty!)

Being the blonde that I am, I have only one thought. Do I aim for the garage door or the woodpile next to it? Which would be less painful?? 

I decided the garage door would hurt less. SPLAT!! Yup, head on, ouch. Both me and the garage door ended up with a dent!
(like that, but with a garage door)

Not only was that embarrassing and hilarious by itself, but guess who was at my house when I got back? Three cute boys that saw the bright red spot on my head and just had to hear the story!
(these guys are definitely cuter than they were)

 I was later asked why I did not just drop my slushie? Honestly the thought never entered my blonde brain!

You will be happy to hear that I have recovered since then! Have I learned my lesson? No. I still do stupid blonde things that get me hurt! But I also laugh a lot.....afterwards :D

Tell me your blonde stories! Comment or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Cinderella Story

Cinderella's dreams are coming true. And so can yours.

You want a Prince? He's there, right in front of you, begging for your attention. His name is Jesus. My dreams and desires, He gives me all of them, He doesn't hold back! Maybe you've already discovered Him, but you're not getting what you want. You say "why do you get what you want, and not me?" He gives us the answer in Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." (NIV) Look closely, it says when you delight yourself in Him. If you focus on Him, than you will desire the same things that He desires. Your desires will harmonize with His will.

Sadly so many of us, like Cinderella, run away from His will and His love. We're afraid He won't love us for who we truly are: broken, sinful, and lowly.

Our Prince Charming runs after us, searching us out.

 Willing to do literally anything to get us back, including laying down His own life. And He did. 
Romans 5:8 " God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Zephaniah 3:17 says this "The Lord your God is in your midst, the Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." He not only died for us, but He loves us and we make Him happy!!

In the end of Cinderella, the Prince finds her. He shows her she is unique and lovely despite her flaws. His love transforms her into a radiant princess!


That is what Christ did for us. Accept His gift of love like Cinderella did,  and bloom under the shelter of His Perfect Love. 

He made my dreams come true, will you let Him make yours come true?


Please leave a comment, or tweet me @elisewiddis 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Book Review: Fairest Beauty

Fairest Beauty

Story written by Melanie Dickerson
Published by Zondervan


A DARING RESCUE. A difficult choice. Sophie desperately wants to get away from her stepmother's jealousy, and believes escape is her only chance to be happy. Then a young man named Gabe arrives from Hagenheim Castle, claiming she is betrothed to his older brother, and everything twists upside down. This could be Sophie's one chance at freedom...but can she trust another person to keep her safe? Gabe defied his parents Rose and Wilhelm by going to find Sophie, and now he believes they had a right to worry: the girl's inner and outer beauty has enchanted him. Though romance is impossible,she is his brother's future wife, and Gabe himself is betrothed to someone else,he promises himself he will see the mission through, no matter what. When the pair flee to the Cottage of the Seven, they find help,but also find their feelings for each other have grown. Now both must not only protect each other from the dangers around them...they must also protect their hearts.

My Review:

I have always loved FAIRYTALES. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a princess swept away by a dashing prince! The way Melanie writes, she makes me believe my dreams can become reality

This book was a thrill to read! I especially loved the tentative relationship between Sophie & Gabe, it was precious! All of the characters were amazing; the "good" characters are real and lovable, yet completely human (along with the flaws, but doesn't that make them all the better??). The "bad" characters are welll....EVIL. And terrifying! But they also show a redeeming quality. Unfortunately the evil queen did not turn from her wicked ways before reaching a dreadful end, though the choice of another lifestyle was always there waiting for her. Just like us, there's always an alternative, no matter how far we've gone we can still choose CHRIST. It says in Mark 2:17 "On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.'" NIV Translation.

Was there anything I didn't like?? Not knowing what happens to Valten! Of course we'll find that out when we read the sequel: The Captive Maiden (CAN'T WAIT!!)

I rate this book a 9!

PLEASE feel free to leave a comment! I would love to hear what you have to say about this book, tweet me @elisewiddis.