About Me

Hola! (nope, not Spanish...)
Lu Bella here! How's life? Mine is fantastic! It's full of an amazing God who loves me more than life, a not-so-perfect family, and friends who'll give me a slap when I need one! Especially Amanda....(my bestie :D )

The other things that fill my life are working out!! (HA! Not.) *giggle* Skydiving! (I wish...) And last but not least that evil beast: dieting. I try, and fail. Who needs to diet? Life is too short to be worrying about your weight! Besides, I'm gorgeous the way God made me!

I'm also blonde (hence why I get into so many scrapes), short (YES!! I don't whack my head on the cupboards at home! Be jealous.), and have big blue eyes (how do you think I get my way?).

Funny Fact: I used to eat bugs with my Chinese neighbor. No joke.

Favorite Joke: What's yellow and wears a mask?? THE LONE LEMON!! yeeeeaaahhh, doesn't make sense to me either...that's what you get when you read Laffy Taffy wrappers, lol :D

Favorite Food: What kind of question is that?? EVERY food. Yes, from chocolate to sauerkraut...

If you want to know more about me, dear friends, read my blog...you'll find some interesting things! Maybe even you will be in it :D



  1. Can I leave a comment? I love it! Fast, furiously fun! Keep at it! You have a gift! XO Mom
