Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Cinderella Syndrome

Don't be a victim of the Cinderella Syndrome.

I have never liked the story of Cinderella for three reasons:

1. She whined about where she was in life and yet did nothing to change it

2. She waited around for some guy to rescue her...really?? 

3. She allowed people to use and abuse her

Sadly I know so many women waiting around for someone to change their lives. 

They whine about their life constantly. Let me tell you something, do not whine about your current circumstances unless you are willing to do something to change them.

Don't wait for some guy to come in and rescue you. Actually, there's a guy that already has, His name is Jesus. He paid the ultimate price to save you: His life. Your future husband is not meant to complete you, nor rescue you. You are meant to complement each other, and to help each other walk purely before the Lord.

Christ said to turn the other cheek (Luke 6:29), He did not say to lay on the ground and let everyone trample over you. Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9), stand up for your faith and for yourself.


Random Fact #13- The creator of the iPod first shopped his idea (without success) to Philips and RealNetworks before Apple agreed to market the device.

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

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