Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sugar Coated

Don't believe everything you hear from professing "Christians."

Almost every lie has a little bit of truth in it, unless you are looking very closely, it is too easy to overlook the lie!

Here's a couple I've heard of late:

"Hey! Live a little, God wants you to enjoy your life! Why not go have some fun? Make some mistakes. God wants you to make mistakes so He can forgive you!"

 Is there any truth in this? Yes...but more than 80% of it is a lie! Seriously? He wants me to intentionally make mistakes so He can forgive me?! Pretty sure I sin all the time accidentally...and besides that, do you realize we were born in sin (Psalm 51:5)? 

"You don't know heartache until you've had a boyfriend break up with you. You will be heart broken by someone eventually, and the older you are the worse it gets. You should get a boyfriend really quick."

 Okay, about 10% of this is truth. Yes, someone will break your heart eventually, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be because of some romantic fling you had. My heart was broken at a very young age, my beloved grandmother died. My heart has been broken many times since as other loved ones have left me as well.

My point here is to be careful. Put everything everyone tells you through a filter; your God filter. Take the truth, throw out the rest!

Line everything up against the Word.


Random fact #9- More people are killed each year from bees, than from snakes!

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

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