How can I say this? Where do I start? At the beginning.
My heart is breaking.
No, it's broken.
I can't handle knowing that a dear friend is going to burn in the pit of Hell for eternity. I can't just let them suffer.
Can you? How can you stay quiet? Speak up! What's the worst that can happen?
Can you? How can you stay quiet? Speak up! What's the worst that can happen?
A friend of mine wanted to talk about "religion." So I opened up and shared what I believe, at the end
he said "I'm glad you're not one of those pushy people trying to convert me!"
To which I replied "if I do seem pushy ever, it's not because I'm trying to 'convert' you, I'm not. But you know what I believe, do you honestly think that I'm ok with you burning in Hell forever?"
He says "haha I'll live!"
"No, you don't get it. You won't live. I am NOT ok with that."
I'm not saying go tell everyone you meet that unless they accept the gift of salvation that they're going to burn in Hell, probably not the best way to become friends! But if you already are friends, and they know that you're telling them this because you love them, usually they'll be ok with that.
The last thing he said was "this has been a good time of bonding."
It's the way you approach it! Do you always have to know exactly what you'll say? No. Do you have to know all the answers? No. Pride comes before the fall (Proverbs 16:18). It's when we lean on God (Proverbs 3:5-6) to do the real work, that we really have any results.
Did my friend come to the Lord at the end of the conversation? No he didn't, but you know what? I'm not giving up hope! I planted a seed, now it's God's job to water it and harvest it (1 Corinthians 3:5-9)!
After you've spoken, all you can do is pray, prayer works (James 5:16, Psalm 66:20).
Love, Speak up & Pray.
Random Fact #6- During famines that ravaged North Korea from 1955 to 1997, starving people commonly dug up bodies from fresh graves to eat the meat. (Grossest thing...ever.)
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