To all you millions of people out there sitting in front of your computer just agonizing over when my next post will be; my most heartfelt apologies! But wow! Florida was AMAZING! :D
First off, I got to see my first real live (?...) palm tree! I had no idea there were so many types of palm trees, short ones, skinny ones, and one even looked like a pineapple!
Here's a pic of the most common tree, unfortunately I forgot to take more pictures!
I found lots of shells, shark teeth (!), a big dead fish (which of course I immediately went to digging out its teeth like any other normal person would do...), a mermaid rock (that I posed on),I also found out by experiment that you can eat the fruit off a cactus; would not recommend sticking random plants in mouth.
Yum! It tastes like pomegranate!
I got to see the ocean for the first time, and to be honest I was terrified! It was so big, and so deep, and so...salty :D
My sisters (realizing my fears) ruthlessly flung me into the ocean. Such sweet sisters. I will have my revenge.
Through all this I must say that the most adventurous thing I did was to...wait for it...
shave my armpits in a moving vehicle.
Yes, you heard me right. I know you're super impressed, but please try not to flatter me too much! lol :D
My first adventure in Florida was in a word; stupendous!
Enough about me, tell me your adventures! I dare you to come up with something as crazy (or stupid) as my last story!
Random Fact #1- Guys think that neck pillows (you know, the ones you use for traveling?) are sexy. Found this out at 3am in South Carolina...funny story for another time!
Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis
p.s. DON'T WORRY READERS!! We took pictures of the armpit episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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