Thursday, October 24, 2013


Forgiveness doesn't just happen. The bitterness and the hurt feelings don't just go away overnight.

Choose it! God already forgave them, by refusing to forgive, you're pretty much saying that your opinion and feelings are higher than God's.

And who are you really hurting with all this bitterness? The person that hurt you? Nope.

It really hit me the other day as I was listening to the radio, a Matthew West song came on called forgiveness. The lyrics went like this:

"Forgiveness; it'll clear the bitterness away,
it can even set a prisoner free,
there is no end to what its power can do.
So let it go and be amazed,
by what you see through eyes of grace.
The prisoner that it really frees is you."


I know...such a little thing, yet it made a world of difference.

So remember, by choosing to forgive, you are only doing yourself a favor. And if you reaalllyyyy can't come to forgive them, ask God to be your forgiveness. Believe me, He comes through EVERY TIME. Where we are weak He is strong, and that's a promise. :)

"The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace." 
Psalm 29:11

Go in peace and strength, with a smile on your face and forgiveness in your heart. Be a light to this world!


Random Fact #5- The first movie to gross over $100 million was Jaws.

Comment below, or Tweet me @elisewiddis

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Leaning on Him

I was talking with a friend yesterday, who felt that her life was falling apart. She had lost everyone she loved, and she was heartbroken. She said to me "I don't understand why this is happening to me, why would God let this happen? It says in the Bible He won't give us any more than what we can handle, but it's wrong. I can't handle this anymore. I'm done."

She's right, we have way more than what we can handle. Us. You. Me. WE can't handle it!! Big newsflash there right? ;)

The good news is that WE don't have to handle it! We lean on Him, the Almighty, the Prince of Peace, our Father, lover, comforter, the Great I Am! He is strong where we are weak! If we lean on Him, and stop trying to handle it, He will pull us through!

Gorgeous picture of the Savior. I know that His love embraces me!

You could almost see the light come into her face as she realized that! She had a new hope, where there was none before. He will pull you through. Lean on Him, call His name and He will be there!


Random fact #4-  The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache. 

Comment below or Tweet me @elisewiddis