Monday, April 15, 2013

Book Review: Duty


Written by Rachel Rossano
Published by Rachel Rossano


Duty to King
Tomas Dyrease, the newly made Earl of Irvaine and the village of Wisenvale, owes his good fortune to his king and the recent civil war. When his benefactor demands Tomas marry the cousin of a noble, he obeys. However, no one warned him that she wasn't a typical noblewoman.

Duty to Others 
Brielle Solarius struggles to keep her village from starvation under the new Lord Wisten, her cousin. The men rode off to war and never returned. The remaining women and children face a dire winter if they do not find a solution soon. When she learns her cousin sold her into marriage to save his life, she isn't surprised. However, she is taken aback by Lord Irvaine’s unpolished ways. Was this man a noble or a foot soldier?

Duty to Each Other
Bound by the words of their vows, they face a rough future. They must forge a marriage while battling betrayal, accusations of treason, and villains from the past. Survival depends on their precarious trust in each other.  Failure could mean death.

My Review:

Okay, here goes for brutal honesty! But honestly my brutal honesty will not be that brutal, because this book was fantastic! It kept me captive from page 1, and I have a short attention span, so that is quite an accomplishment in itself! 

It has all the elements I look for in a book:
-Historically correct 
-Realistic characters
-Underlying story of faith in God
-The unexpected (I hate it when you always know what's coming.)

The only problem I had with this book was the fact that it was supposed to be fantasy, it was definitely historical! I love historical books, but if you're going for fantasy, you need to do more than give God a weird name. So just call it historical fiction! :D

Whew! Now that we have that over with, I can focus on the awesome stuff :)
I loved the characters, they were realistic and flawed! Who wants to read a book about perfect people? By the end of the book I was very attached to the characters and did not want the book to end.

Adventure and action: the plot was so much more than the romance. In fact a lot of the time the couple was separated  so you got to know them as individuals, not just as a couple.

You saw each of them grow in their walk with the Lord, and were challenged to examine your own walk. What do I fear? What am I not giving to God? Will I follow Him no matter what?

I found I could expect the unexpected (if that makes any sense...)! There were twists and turns throughout the book. You think you can sit and read just a chapter, but you'll find yourself staying up until 3am just to find out what's going to happen next! That's my kind of book :D

Overall my reaction was: WHY ISN'T THIS AUTHOR FAMOUS?! 
I will definitely be reading more by Rachel, I can already see long nights ahead of me, anxiously turning the next page!


I rate this book a 9!

Random Fact #2- Your hair still grows a few months after you die. I know, totally gross.

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